Hi there! My name is James Skwarok. Some of you might know me as Mr. Floatie or more recently as CO2 Man. I’m an activist and elementary school substitute teacher in Victoria, BC. Currently, I run two non-profits: www.poopvictoria.ca and www.co2ies.ca. The CO2ies are a group of citizens of all ages who are using humour and embarrassment to help pressure our federal government into setting firm caps on greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time. We may not be fully aware of its effects right now, but why wait until it’s too late? Just look how a warmer climate has allowed the pine beetle to ravage BC’s forests. Since our federal government is moving at a snail’s pace to reduce greenhouse gases, we have to get together to show them we want action now. Our children deserve courageous decisions by our leaders, not promises of “intensity based targets” which actually allow overall greenhouse gas emissions to rise.
I joined Wheels for Change because I believe this citizen action will help show our provincial and federal government that we want them to larger steps now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Wheels for Change is something whole families and communities can do together. By acting together, our message will be stronger. I’m really looking forward to biking the last part of the trip with everyone!